Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Mission and Objectives


To combine forces in order to undertake measures of excellence in the field of research, helping to understand the mechanisms of ageing and frailty, to further training and agglutinate knowledge and research talent state-wide, with a view to becoming a driving force as a research centre and a benchmark in this area.


To become a competitive and sustainable network research centre of excellence on an international scale, and a model of translational, multidisciplinary and cooperative research.


Our strategic objectives are closely connected with our Mission, Vision and Values and refer to such key aspects of the organisation as fostering quality and excellence, the commitment to innovation and translation to clinical practice, acting on a collaborative basis, and the need for increasing international presence.

  1. To foster excellence research into ageing and frailty, agglutinating the talent available state-wide.
  2. To promote the transfer of results to society in general and to the production sector in particular.
  3. To contribute to problem-solving in the field of Public Health and in clinical practice.
  4. To concentrate efforts on far-reaching studies aiming at the Challenges of Society. To focus activity on the two priority lines for study, boosting participation in international consortiums enabling projects of great scale and scope to be undertaken.
  5. To further synergies with public and private agents in the field of ageing and frailty.
  6. To combine efforts to participate and lead CIBERFES research groups in national and international activities.
  7. To contribute to the training of researchers and professionals connected with the thematic area.
  8. To stimulate a culture of innovation at the organisation, materialising in the generation of innovations resulting from the research done, with healthcare and business applications (patents, joint R+D …).
  9. To disclose the activities and main results in order to heighten the visibility of the CIBERFES, facilitating access to this by the scientific and healthcare community, users and patients. To disseminate the progress made in this field of medicine with a high level of scientific rigour.
  10. To incorporate social agents and the elderly in solving problems brought up by ageing and frailty.