The plan for training human resources is basically intended to promote the training of researchers and the consolidation of their professional career. To this end it prioritises attention for young and trainee staff attached to the research groups.
It also seeks to train tomorrow’s leaders, by identifying and supporting young people able to become Principal Investigators of the CIBERFES, training young geriatric staff in basic research and basic researchers in the relevance of the clinical problems associated with ageing and identifying clinically relevant issues to be tackled by basic research.
To this end a number of transversal measures are planned to be added to the ones already included in the master and doctorate programmes in which the groups take part:
Measures intended to facilitate training of researchers by going on stays at other groups in the centre and at national and international external groups. CIBERFES aid for mobility is intended for predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers wishing to go on a stay of up to three months at another research group. In line with one of the main objectives of the CIBERFES, that of maximising the translation of results to clinical practice, this aid will attempt to particularly empower interaction between clinical and basic groups.
These stays should form part of priority and strategic lines of work for the CIBERFES, by fostering short-term stays at hospital centres in order to facilitate the transfer of experience and technology. The CIBER’s technical and research staff will thus have a chance to get a closer look at the reality of daily clinical practice.
Short two-week stays at intramural clinical centres or longer stays of up to three months at both intra and extramural centres are considered.
As part of the enhancement measures, inspired in similar action, such as the Encounters at the CIBER in which the groups take part, an encounter of doctorands known as REDIPES will be arranged. This will be held once a year, with the aim of giving young trainee scientists an opportunity to discuss and swap ideas for their Doctoral Thesis projects with scientists accredited in the relevant field. This senior/junior contact is also intended to improve the projects and particularly enhance their relevance. These encounters will be held in Madrid and have a minimum cost: travel expenses of some senior researchers from outside Madrid to reinforce contacts with the young researchers of the groups. They will be financed from the budget for two groups each year.
An Annual Training Session for the CIBERFES will also be held with the aim of announcing the lines of research, the research work and the resources available of the different CIBERFES groups, fostering interrelations between its youngest researchers, and attempting to establish bonds and interactions between clinical and basic researchers. These Training Sessions should also help to foster relations with other CIBERs in order to establish common ground with a view to future cooperation.
Awards will be given for the best papers written by young researchers during the year, presented at meetings or national or international conferences and covering the strategic lines of the CIBERFES.
The possibility of carrying out final grade projects and theses with the cooperation of more than one CIBERFES will be promoted.
The arrangement of monographic and summer courses will also be fostered, or the participation of young researchers from the CIBERFES in the courses, symposia or conferences of interest for the strategic lines of the CIBERFES.
Participation in structured and accredited educational projects based on the consortium structure will be promoted.
An open call system will be established for financing registration or enrolment expenses for courses or training activities or travel pools for attending courses or training activities outside the normal place of residence.