Frailty is a clinical-healthcare problem caused by and resulting from disease. One of today’s challenges is the early detection of the syndrome, in the frailty stage. This entails the need to identify the risk factors leading to frailty and to use these in a screening policy enabling preventive interventions. In a more advanced stage, the diagnosis and classification of individuals as robust, pre-frail and frail should lead to interventions preventing the negative progression of the function or which reverse the syndrome.
Identification of risk factors enabling sensitive and clinically-viable screening scales to be prepared. Identification of robust and efficient biomarkers of frailty in their different stages. Development of primary and secondary prevention action for the frailty syndrome. Construction of clinical channels modifying the adverse effect of multimorbidity, polypharmacy and socio-environmental factors. An economic evaluation of the performance of the interventions. Development of information technologies facilitating extensive and efficient implementation of the interventions.
For further information about groups working in this research programme visit the Spanish version